Ad Hoc Budget Subcommittee
Committee Listing
The responsibility of the Ad Hoc Budget Subcommittee is to analyze CAR's functions as they pertain
to Statuary and Regulatory requirements, associated costs, entities that benefit from these services,
and to determine the most accurate way to allocate the administrative expense of CAR. This Subcommittee
reports to the Budget Committee.
Mr. David H. Cochrane – Chairman |
The Commerce Insurance Company |
Mr. Andrew J. Carpentier |
Quincy Mutual Fire Insurance Company |
Mr. Joseph F. Cofield |
Metropolitan P & C Insurance Company |
Mr. Francis N. Delage |
The Hanover Insurance Company |
Mr. William F. Hofmann |
Provider Insurance Group, Inc. |
Mr. Dennis J. Morris |
Arbella Insurance Group |
Mr. Edward N. Patrick, Jr. |
Safety Insurance Company |