Private Passenger Rates and Rate Filings

Current Version

Previous Versions


2008 Private Passenger Rates - Effective April 1, 2008

The residual market rates set forth on this page apply to risks ceded to CAR or assigned through the MAIP beginning with policies effective April 1, 2008. Policies written in the residual market must be charged the lesser of the residual market rate or the company's voluntary rate. Producers will use these residual market rates to determine the down payment for policies assigned through the MAIP.

spreadsheetRating Factors

PDFRating Factors

spreadsheetRate Pages - All Territories

PDFRate Pages - All Territories

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PDFIncreased Limits

spreadsheetStated Amount Rates

PDFStated Amount Rates

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PDFMotorcycle Rates

Rate Pages by Individual Territory

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