The Rules of Operation establishes policies by which Servicing Carriers, Members and producers are to be governed with regard to the operation of, and participation in, Commonwealth Automobile Reinsurers (CAR).
Table of Contents
Rule 1 - General Provisions
Rule 2 - Definitions
Rule 3 - Insurer Obligations
Rule 4 - Governing Committee
Rule 5 - Commonwealth Automobile Reinsurers Officers
Rule 6 - Coverages
Rule 7 - Experience Rating
Rule 8 - Statistical Data
Rule 9 - Audit Review
Rule 10 - Claim Practices
Rule 11 - Assessments and Participation
Rule 12 - Reserved for Future Use
Rule 13 - Servicing Carrier Requirements
Rule 14 - Exclusive Representative Producer Requirements
Rule 15 - Premium Collection Standards
Rule 16 - Terminations
Rule 17 - Expense Allowance to Servicing Carriers
Rule 18 - Commissions
Rule 19 - Indemnification
Rule 20 - Review and Appeal
Request for Review/Relief Form
The individual Rule documents have been combined into one .pdf document to allow for easier printing. Printable Rules
CAR Rules 21 - 40 on the MAIP Website