The Commercial Performance Standards provide Servicing Carriers information designed to contain costs, ensure prompt customer service and timely payment of legitimate claims, and prevent the payment of inflated, fraudulent and unwarranted claims.
On April 6, 2007, modifications to the Commercial Performance Standards were approved by the Division of Insurance.For further information, refer to the following:
Order - April 6, 2007
Summary of Approved Modifications
Commercial Performance Standards
The Appendices to the Commercial Performance Standards document audit and SIU procedures used to verify compliance with the Performance Standards and contain copies of statutes and regulations that are referenced in the Performance Standards.
Appendix A: SIU Standards
Appendix B: Direct Payment of Motor Vehicle Collision and Comprehensive CoverageClaims and Referral Repair Shop Programs
Appendix C: Industry Direct Payment Plan for the Settlement of Insured Auto Damage Repairs
Appendix D: Decision and Order on Proposed Amendements to CAR Rule 13 Requirements Relative to a Direct Payment Plan
Appendix E: Cost and Expense Containment Standards for Motor Vehicle Insurers
Appendix F: 212 CMR 2.00 - The Appraisal and Repair of Damaged Motor Vehicles
Appendix G: 211 CMR 133.00 - Standards for the Repair of Damaged Motor Vehicles
Appendix H: 211 CMR 94.00 - Mandatory Pre-Insurance Inspection of PrivatePassenger Motor Vehicles
Appendix I: M.G.L. Chapter 90D, Section 20 - Salvage Title Law
Appendix J: M.G.L. Chapter 175, Section 24D - Insurance Claim Payment Intercept Program
Appendix K: CAR Claim Department File Review Process
Appendix L: SIU File Review Process
Appendix M: Company Questionnaire
Appendix N: Industry Best Practices
Appendix O: NAIC Standards